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Private Policy

Your privacy matters to us. Thus, the only personal information we collect is what you choose to share with us. We are dedicated to protecting your information.

Effective Date: This privacy policy is effective as of February 12, 2024.

Scope Of This Privacy Policy: This privacy policy governs your use of the Patriot Pay Solutions website and the applications we offer on various third-party platforms. It does not extend to your use of other websites or services, nor does it apply to information collected by other means or from other sources, such as sites managed or owned by our affiliates or vendors. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of any other services or websites you use, as privacy practices can vary widely.

The personal information we collect on this website is provided by you to Patriot Pay Solutions. This could include, for example, your name, email address, or phone number. Sometimes this information is provided directly by you through forms, surveys, or online applications, and sometimes it is collected indirectly, such as through the IP address of the device you use to interact with us online.

Collection of Information: We gather and may use information about you to:

- Provide requested information
- Comply with legal obligations
- Perform analytics and other value-added services
- Verify information and prevent fraud
- Send you information about Patriot Pay Solutions we think you'll find valuable

We do not share, sell, or rent collected information, including contact details or specific information about your accounts or other personally identifiable data unless: (1) you have given permission; (2) the information is needed to complete a transaction you initiated; or (3) the disclosure is legally permitted or required. We may share personally identifiable information we collect from you with third-party analytics providers to the extent necessary for them to offer their services, including sharing your IP address.

This website does not offer a process for you to review and modify the personally identifiable information we collect from you.

Use of Cookies: Cookies are small data files that may include an anonymous unique identifier, sent from a website to your browser and stored on your device. Our cookies do not capture unencrypted personal information. We use cookies to:

- Make information display more effectively
- Personalize your interaction with us
- Facilitate website navigation and measure marketing efforts
- Recognize your device for easier access to our online services

You can set your browser to accept or reject cookies. Rejecting all cookies may limit your ability to use our services or products that require sign-in and may affect your experience with our online services. We prohibit third parties from collecting personally identifiable information about your online activities over time and across different websites when using our site, service, or application. As we do not track our customers' online activities across third-party websites, we do not respond to Do Not Track (DNT) signals.

Security Measures: We implement several security measures to safeguard your information. Your data is stored on secure networks and is accessible only by a limited number of employees with special access rights. We use industry-standard encryption technologies for transferring or receiving sensitive information provided by users and continuously work on enhancing our information security and integrity.

Third-Party Links: Our website may include links to third-party sites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of these external sites, and our privacy policy does not extend to them. We do not affirm the accuracy, material, services, or products of any third-party websites. These links are provided for convenience, and you access them at your own risk. However, we aim to maintain the integrity of our website and welcome any feedback regarding not only our site but also those we link to (e.g., if you encounter broken links, 404 errors, etc.).

Modifications to Privacy Policy: We may update this Privacy Policy occasionally. Any changes will be posted here, so you are encouraged to review this policy periodically for the latest information. Changes to the Privacy Policy will not apply retroactively and will not change how we handle previously collected personally identifiable information.

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